family getting on road trip

4 Automotive Trends to Watch Out for in 2023

The automotive industry is constantly evolving. New technologies are being developed and implemented at lightning speed, and it can be hard to keep up with the latest and greatest. But don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. Here are four of the biggest trends in the automotive industry that you should keep an eye on in 2023:

1. Electric Vehicles Will Become More Popular Than Ever Before

Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular, thanks to their many benefits. EVs are more efficient than gasoline-powered cars, they emit zero emissions, and they’re often cheaper to operate and maintain in the long run. As battery technology continues to improve, we expect that EVs will become even more popular in the coming years. There are also many charging stations throughout the states.

Despite their many benefits, EVs also have a few drawbacks. One of the main drawbacks is that they can be expensive to purchase. Additionally, they can be more difficult to maintain than gasoline-powered cars. Since they rely on batteries to function, they can be susceptible to damage or malfunctioning. Their reliance on a battery also requires long charging times; even though they are charging faster now, it pales in comparison to the 5-minute full tank refill that gas-powered cars can do. Manufacturers like Tesla also discourage owners from doing repairs themselves or bringing their cars to auto repair shops.

Despite all of these, some experts predict that EV sales could exceed those of gas-powered cars as early as 2025. Some states like California and New York have started phasing out gas-powered cars, hoping to completely ban them by 2035. So if you’re thinking about buying a new car in the near future, an EV should definitely be on your radar.

2. Fully Autonomous Self-Driving Cars Will Become a Reality

For years, self-driving cars have been nothing more than a pipe dream. Recently, they have started becoming real, with many owners even daring to sleep behind the wheel or look at their phones, letting their cars drive themselves. Several companies, including Tesla, Waymo, and Uber, have been working hard to perfect autonomous vehicle technology, and it’s only a matter of time before self-driving cars become a common sight on our roads. In addition to making our lives easier, self-driving cars could also make our roads safer by reducing the number of accidents caused by human error. There is much potential in this field, and it will greatly enhance safety on the streets. However, this should also lead to supplements and updates in the law. After all, if a driverless car is in a crash, who is at fault?

3. Car Connectivity Will Increase

a person driving a car

As our homes and offices become more connected, it’s only natural that our cars would follow suit. Car manufacturers have already incorporated features hands-free calling into their vehicles, and we expect that trend to continue in the coming years. There are even reports of driverless cars utilizing the Internet of Things (IoT) to communicate with each other, sharing their data and making their split-second decisions more informed. In addition to making our commute more enjoyable, enhanced car connectivity will also enable new features like real-time traffic updates, automatic emergency assistance, and maybe out-of-the-factory Wi-Fi hotspots. With car infotainment devices the way they already are, it would not be surprising if they gain functions more similar to tablets and smartphones than car displays.

4. Ride-Sharing Will Continue to Grow in Popularity

Ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft have taken the world by storm over the past few years. The global pandemic slowed them down, but now, they are on their way back up—in fact, ride-sharing is only expected to grow in popularity in the coming years. One reason for this is that ride-sharing is much cheaper than owning your own car in this economy (especially when you factor in things like insurance and parking). Ride-sharing is also more convenient than public transportation in many cases, which makes it a viable option for people who live in cities or other urban areas. With how urban areas have been constructed, improvements to public transportation infrastructure are highly unlikely; people will have to rely on ride-sharing apps. This is great for many people since we now live in a gig economy.


These are just a few of the many trends that we expect to see in the automotive industry over the next few years. So whether you’re in the market for a new car or you’re just curious about what the future holds, be sure to keep these trends in mind. Happy driving!

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