Auto Industry News


Conquering the Sea with Technology

The maritime environment is evolving with the increasing tides of technology. The trends that emerge are necessarily so. Advances in shipbuilding, propulsion, intelligent shipping, innovative materials, big data and analysis, automation, electronics, and telecommunications combined


Smooth Sailing: Enjoying Cruises and Water Travel

Going on a cruise is an unusual and enjoyable experience. Not all people can experience small boat rentals often, so having social gatherings in this mode of transportation is a unique occurrence. It is something

trucks on a highway

Most Common Problems That Fleets Face

In the industry of local transportation, fleet problems come with the territory. Fleets of all sizes can be susceptible to these problems, and in turn, may suffer negative consequences such as decreased productivity, repeated truck

female truck driver

Being a Female Truck Driver in the US

The demand for truck drivers increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of the stay-at-home order imposed by the government, people relied more on online shopping. This meant that more goods are being delivered at all

successful people

Lessons on Leadership from Successful CEOs

Setbacks and failures are what makes a company remarkable. This might not be what people want to hear, but it’s true. Like any other thing in life, failure is essential for anyone who wants to

driver in a big truck

What to Consider When When Buying a Truck

Your business needs a new vehicle to make client visits or deliveries. The auto market offers plenty of options. You can choose a fleet of sedans or executive cars. You can also pick high-profile vehicles

Classic cars

Classic Car Care: Keep Your Treasure Safe

Cars have been around for more than a hundred years now. With the millions produced over the past century, some car models have become classic collector items. If you are one of those lucky enough

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